When setting your session fee, keep in mind the nature of the inquiry, the client’s price range, and your standard fee as indicated in your profile.

If you are just starting off at PrestoExperts, you might decide to offer your services for a nominal fee. This will increase the chances of being hired by a client and receiving a rating, important to your success at PrestoExperts. If you do decide to offer your services for a nominal charge, enter a fee no less than $1.00. A fee of less than $1.00 will not earn you a rating.

If you are still unsure of how much you should charge, we recommend checking out the fees of other experts registered under the same category. Please remember though, that experts who have been on PrestoExperts  for a longer period of time and who have a loyal client base with many client ratings often charge a higher fee. If you are a new expert on PrestoExperts , or if you have significantly less client ratings than other experts in your category, then it is better to start off with a lower fee. You can always raise your prices after you have gained some experience and have earned consistent positive ratings.